After watching the past few "Amazing" Atheist videos in his "Hate Week", which is nothing more than shock jock bullshit (because we all know he doesn't believe what he says) , I noticed something at the end of his recent one about Individidualism:
Go to 4:48 for the e-begging. For those that don't even want to give the asswipe a view, I will quote what he says to save you bandwidth:
"Hey there youtube, do you want an Amazing Atheist iPhone and Android app? Do you want an Amazing Atheist website? then please, donate below. All those who donate will be featured on a page in the app or website proclaiming "This made possible by" followed by a list that could include your name if you click the link below and give some of your hard earned money to my fat ass"
Yeah, because FUCK saving money you make from Youtube and Blip, why do that when you can have your dipshit fanbase give you money when you don't fucking deserve it?
Jesus (yes I say that ironically), your asking for money for a damn website and an app? Even The Archfiend has a fucking website, Reviewtopia has been founded by a bunch of people who combined probably have the same subscribers and views (maybe less) than you do but they founded a website. Phelous and Brad Jones have their own personal websites and didn't ask for a fucking cent, yet you are more popular and expect donations? You piece of shit, no wonder you are on the Busy Street Blacklist.
We all know how succesfful Sean Fausz has been with this, but let's see how good TJ has done by clicking on the link, as of this writing:
$392 IN ONE FUCKING DAY!!! Hell, it's less than a day, man some people are too stupid to be carrying money. Good god, look at one of the comments:
Because it's not like he has a Youtube Partnership where he earns money off every view on his videos and gets paid by Google or anything. Nah, because if you yell in front of a camera like an obnoxious cunt you deserve money, because it is such a unique talent.
I guess we can add this to his blacklist page, not only is he willing to use the death of his father for dramatic effect and say gays who commit suicide are pussies for shock value, but this evidence shows this cunt of a human being is willing to exploit his fans for money he doesn't fucking need. Apparently he has done this shit before, but you guys can leave that in the comments since I have spent enough of my time writing this.
Does anyone here think he will give back the money from donations once he profits from the bombardment of ads that will be on his website and app? Of course not, he will just say "SEE, YOUR NAME IS ON MY WEBSITE, THAT IS GOOD ENOUGH". Eat shit TJ.